Sunday, April 4, 2010

This is the day when the stone rolled away

Happy Easter!

My day hasn't been all that interesting to an outsider (and I have photos to prove it), but it was good to me. Church was great and the weather pleasantly surprised me for awhile with some sunshine! Thanks, God.

After church, I may have purchased a Safeway sandwich and iced tea for my "He is risen!" lunch. What? It's Easter! Special treats are in order, and I hadn't eaten any breakfast.

I also purchased a couple of avocados because a) they are yummy and b) my friend got me an awesome Easter gift: an avocado slicer! I was eager to try it and also photograph my experience. You're welcome!

Here we have the new slicer and its victim, sitting together in perfect harmony.

Now there is less harmony from the avocado's point of view. For my first try, it went well, though I think the ripeness of the avocado made it stick together a bit more. I had to separate the slices, and I would show you a photo but it wasn't looking so hot because of my lack of experience. Maybe someday I'll show you a photo of actual avocado slices (I have to have a teaser for you to come back to my blog, right?).

After a delicious lunch, I procrastinated and then finally folded some laundry. I know, hard to believe! I have been putting it off for years, but here's proof:

Yes, I did photograph my laundry and then post the picture in my blog. I have a fascinating life. (And mismatched towels.)

I also managed to turn up the heat on my water heater. How handymannish am I? Not very, since I didn't even realize water heaters had adjustable temps until a friend told me the other day. I've been wondering why the water is never all that hot--I shower with it on full heat and it's still just barely satisfactory. So now it actually gets hotter than what is comfortable, which means maybe my laundry and dishes will get a bit cleaner. Basically, I saved the world.

Finally, I made Chicken Piccata for my Easter dinner. I've been craving it, plus I wanted to get a better photo for that recipe entry. The photo isn't much of an improvement, but the Piccata was deliciosa, thanks for asking.

Okay, time to fold more laundry.


  1. This entry is awesome. :D I love the avocado slicer!

  2. Thanks! Yeah it's fun--I did better with it tonight.

  3. Way to save the world! You are so handy!

    That's a nice avocado slicer you got there. You must have been a good girl!



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