Monday, April 26, 2010

Senior Portraits

I was asked to take some college senior portraits last week. We didn't have a lot of time, but I was satisfied with the result for being a rush job. H was cheerful and cooperative, and her family was so nice when I met them later that night!

I love the blue in her outfit and redheads are fun photography subjects! I thought about making one of these black and white, but liked the colors too much. Maybe next time, since she seems willing to help me with future practicing sessions. :)

A bit of an outtake, but I like it.

This might be my favorite.

I wish I had more time with this patch of bluebells. Hopefully I can drag her or someone else out there again to try some other photos before they die.

(You can see I'm experimenting with my watermark. Still.)


  1. She's pretty, I like her curly hair, and you did a great job on the photos!

    -Ruth M.

  2. I especially like the close-ups. She has a very feature-rich look that lends itself well to close-ups (unlike some others of us who do well having our photos taken about 1/2-mile back). Very pretty girl and very lovely photos. :) -R

  3. Thanks, ladies!

    I'm more of a 1-3 miles back kind of girl myself.

  4. I wish I had more time with this patch of bluebells. Hopefully I can drag her or someone else out there again to try some other photos before they die.

    Interesting dangling participle there : )

    Is everyone you photograph that pretty or are you just making them look that good? I love her outfit, very cute.

  5. Dan,

    Interesting dangling participle there : )

    :D Haha... I know. I'm such a wordsmith. I knew, when I wrote it, that something wasn't quite right, but I'm not smart enough to fix it.

    I only photograph pretty people--it's one of my policies.

    Your last sentence is so not what I expected to hear from you!



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