Friday, April 2, 2010

Commenting + Easter

Some of you have said you tried to comment but had a hard time, so I'm just going to give some basic instructions:

  1. Click on the "Comments" link at the end of the entry you want to comment on. It'll say "0 Comments" or however many are there.
  2. This takes you to a page that has a big box saying "Leave your comment." Type your comment here.
  3. Fill in the word verification box, if there is one. Type the crazy, colored letters above it to prove you're not a robot.
  4. If you don't have a Google account or understand any of those other things listed, you can leave an Anonymous comment. Click that radio button.
  5. If you have provided your email and you'd like to have future comments left on that entry emailed to you, check the "Email follow-up comments to" box.
  6. Finally, click "Publish Your Comment" (or preview, if you want to see it first). It should give you errors if it didn't work.
It will not appear in the comments list right away, as I have it set to be moderated by me before I "publish" them. I usually do my blogging in the evenings, so that's when you'll start to see comments on a particular entry.

Okay, give it a try! I'm curious who even follows this blog. :) One or two, at least.

I probably won't post until Monday, so happy Easter! I made you a graphic:

Up from the grave He arose,
With a mighty triumph o’er his foes,
He arose a victor from the dark domain,
And he lives forever, with his saints to reign.
He arose! He arose!
Hallelujah! Christ arose!



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