Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A sloppy post about color

I'm not sure what technically "counts" as a monochromatic photo, but I do like the style of picture where there is mainly just one color family represented. Since I take a lot of naturey photos, I have plenty of opportunities to spotlight a color in this way.

I took a few photos today and also dug up some older ones to illustrate what I mean. Please excuse the inconsistent borders and sizes.. I'm too lazy to fix them.

From today--the green loveliness is getting very lush. The peak is usually in May sometime.

I love white.

Now we're back in time to some older photos.

Not the best composition, but I love the nice gold color.

Green is an easy color, of course, since there's so much of it in nature. At least here...maybe not in the Sahara.

I'm not crazy about this one, but I had to complete my rainbow! (Not exactly Roy G. Biv, but close enough.)

By the way, looking at old photos is very humbling. It's one thing when it's a photo I never thought was good, but there are some that I remember liking at the time, and now I'm embarrassed by them!


  1. No need to be embarrassed. Your worst photos are still better than most people's best. :) I like the idea behind this post ... it makes me think about cool collage ideas. -R

  2. No need to be embarrassed. Your worst photos are still better than most people's best. :)

    Exactly! Rather than being embarrassed at your older work, you should be happy with how much you've grown as a photographer.

    I really like the second pic.

  3. LOVE picture #8!!

    -Ruth M.



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