Monday, April 26, 2010

Lots of text

Yes, two posts in one night! It's insanity!

[This post is photo-free and very important. And by that I mean not at all important.]

I constantly hear strange noises in my home. I would be suspicious and scared, but that's too tiring so I'd rather dismiss them with various explanations. Just now I heard a sound like my bed frame was being taken apart. Just one sec. Okay, yeah, it's still intact so I guess it was something else.


  • I still see beavers almost every day, in the morning and/or night. No particularly remarkable sightings to report, except the fact that I SEE BEAVERS ALMOST EVERY DAY. You are totally jealous.
  • The hummingbirds are thirsty lately. I think they've already drank (drunk?) half an inch of the special and delicious nectar that I slaved over yesterday. Isn't it wondrous thinking about how many hummingbird tummies it's been carried off in? I'm contributing to the circle of life. Without me, all of the hummingbird-eating animals around here would be a little hungrier.
  • I've never seen that otter again. :(


  • I watched (500) Days of Summer this past weekend and it exceeded my expectations. It's unique. (Holly--you might like it, and it's even pretty short!)
  • I learned how to make Greek yogurt out of regular yogurt, thanks to this blog. So easy and so delicious!
  • I took way too many photos of dogwood blossoms that I will subject you to later this week.
  • I've now read and enjoyed two books by Christian author, Kristen Heitzmann. I'm picky about Christian fiction (I'll talk about that one day), and I think she handles it pretty well.

Okay, time to take a break from procrastination!


  1. Just now I heard a sound like my bed frame was being taken apart. Just one sec. Okay, yeah, it's still intact so I guess it was something else.

    This made me laugh. :D

    It's been a long time since I've read any books by Kristen Heitzmann, but I remember liking them too.

    -Ruth M

  2. Yes, drunk. Because you said "they've." So your helping verb 'have' would mean you need to say, "they've (have) drunk." Or just say, "they drank."

    :) You love me anyway. -R

  3. Oh I didn't realize you liked Heitzmann, Ruth! I see she's written a lot so that makes me excited...but I'll probably do that whole burnout thing that I tend to do with authors. :P I have two more ready at the library as we speak!

    R - I don't know if I'll remember that...neither looks especially right or wrong to me. :P

  4. I agree. Neither does. It's one of those weird words, plus add our natural association with the word 'drunk' and it just seems totally wrong. Oh well. -R

    Ruth - I loved that part, too. Thanks for pointing it out so I could be reminded of it again. And laugh some more.

    P.S. Doesn't it seem like the word verifications actually COULD be words. Yo, it's none of your 'bizedins' (because that's my verification word this time)!

    P.P.S I said, "Yo." Yikers. :-P

  5. Yeah, I think some of the verifications might be words...I don't have to do them so I haven't really noticed. :P Well, I do on other blogs, I guess.

    At first I read your comment like you were saying "verifications" should be a real word.

    You really should incorporate "yo" into your makes you seem more sophisticated, y0!

  6. It is pretty freaking cool that you see beavers every day! Your place rocks.




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