Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Now back to the flowers.

Okay, let's finish off these plant nursery photos.

This was a lemon tree (still just a baby), and I guess I've never seen one or knew that their blossoms smell so good!

I just wanted to photograph these because they were unique, but this photo doesn't quite capture their appearance.

There were lots of pretty lilies but always in view of people, so I wimped out and didn't get the photos I would have liked to.

Alright, I'll probably take a photo break on the next post, depending on what happens in life. :) Have a great night/day.


  1. the flowers with the vivid purple with yellow spots are just about the best thing I've seen in a long time. Again, would love to blow up some of your flower photos and put them all over my house! I save a bunch and add them to my collection of fun to look at photos for when I'm feeling crappy. :)

  2. Again, beautiful. -R

  3. Thanks to both of you!

    Fayelle, you're too kind!



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