Saturday, July 30, 2011

Project 52 (8)

Since moving to Oregon, seeing deer is a much more everyday occurrence, but I still enjoy it and want to take pictures as often as possible. These two were at my workplace (and this was actually only the third time I've seen them there, though others do more regularly). My coworker called me upstairs and I followed them with the camera to try and get a variety of backgrounds. I think the closest I got to them was about 15 feet.

[PS I LOVE that my coworkers think of me when they see animals that I might like to see/photograph. I've had people call me about deer, nutria, a coyote, and the other day one of my coworkers came to my desk specifically to tell me about a duck and her baby ducklings nearby. It was so sweet of him! I practically want to send people cards for thinking of me in those situations.]

It was hard to pick an official project photo, so I'll show you a few others that I liked.


  1. Those are great deer photos!! (I almost typed dear instead of deer)

    It looks like you were close enough to pet them. It's so hard to get good photos of them because they usually get scared. These are excellent!

    And the mashed potatoes....oh my goodness I could eat a bowl full. They look so yummy!

  2. The last picture of the deer looks especially beautiful. When I was about 4 I got a book from my grandpa R. for Christmas. It was called "Velvet Eyes". It was about a fawn. The picture reminds me of that gift. (flashback!) Thank you, Mom

  3. You already know that I LOVE that picture, and the others are just as amazing. You really are a great photographer.

  4. Oh, I loved these. They are really good!

  5. The deer were so posey, you could almost include these shots in your portraits section. :)

  6. These are amazing! It almost seems like they were posing!



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