Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Photography Blogs

I follow several photography blogs, but I wanted to share links to some of my favorites. I narrowed down my list by choosing the photographers who update at least semi-regularly, and who I gain something from--whether it be photo inspiration (which is sometimes in the form of inspiring me not to do a particular style/pose/etc. :)) or knowledge about photography.

Most photographers take several types of pictures, but I'm sorting them by what seems to be their specialty or preference.


Photography by Meg
I love a lot of her stuff, and she's fairly new to photography, according to what I've read.

Phreckles Photography

They do children's photography, but check out their recent photos from India--stunning!


Kacy Kizer
She does weddings, too, but I'm going to put her in this category so Michelle Moore doesn't get lonely. Also because I see more senior portraits in her blog, and that's why I added her to my reader!

Michelle Moore
I've gotten a lot of inspiration from her senior portraits--she's very talented.


Jasmine Star Photography
She's one of the most well-known wedding photographers right now because she really knows how to market herself (and has the right personality to attract a lot of fans). I mainly appreciate her blog for the FAQ posts and funny stories about her everyday life. Her success story is pretty inspirational, too.

Jenny Sun Photography
A wedding photographer in Australia. I really love a lot of her work.

Jessica Claire Photography

Jessica Feely Photography
Hey, it's a good name.

Jose Villa Wedding Photography
I wish he'd update more--I love his stuff. I believe he shoots exclusively with film. He also has a book out that I want just to look at the pretty pictures!

Todd James Photography
I particularly loved the behind-the-scenes video he posted awhile back. It's so fascinating to see the photos that result from various setups and poses.


Ethan Meleg Outdoor Photography

John E. Marriott

Phillip Colla

Niebrugge Images
Yes, his watermark is in Comic Sans (as is his main site), but don't let that keep you from admiring his photography!

There are so many more, but I had to limit myself. Let me know if you have any favorites or recommendations for me to add to my reader!


  1. This post brings back memories of some of our conversations when I was there. :)

  2. Brenda - Oh yeah? I don't remember talking about photography blogs, but I'm sure I did. :)

  3. You weren't kidding, you really do follow a lot of photography blogs : )


  4. Thanks!! I have bookmarked them all though I've been to a few of those before. So inspirational for me!

  5. You must have been destined to be a photographer ... seems like a whole lot of J names! :)

  6. Dan - yep! But they're fast to go through since I don't always read every word.

    Samantha - cool, glad I could help.

    R - I don't know about that--I think there are just a lot of J names in general.



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