Monday, December 27, 2010

The nieces and the orchards

Hi, how was your Christmas?

I'm in California for a few days, visiting family. Last night I had a sleepover with the nieces, which included making friendship bracelets, having my nails done (I now have various bugs and letters on them) and having lip gloss applied in stripes.

Today we walked out to the nearby orchards to get a few bubbly photos. I like Oregon, but I definitely miss having relatively nice weather in the winter. Okay, here we go!

Little N.. at age 3-and-a-half, she's practically impossible to pose. It's easier to just follow her around and take a bunch of shots until I get a decent one.

Something about blowing bubbles makes you close your eyes, I guess.

See? I have a similarly-posed photo of K back when she was 2 or 3, so I'll have to post a comparison shot sometime.

L is 11 but is looking older and definitely like the oldest sister. Oh and she's taller than me.

The second photo looks like a dance move.

This photo looks like spring.

More goofiness from N.

And more. I'm not complaining!

I tried to get a nice (less goofy) portrait of each. I love this one of L. I just mentioned Justin Bieber to get a more natural, happy smile out of her.

Beautiful K is always a natural in front of the camera.

This is the least goofy pose I have of N. She's a diva girl.

Another couple of K. I was happy with how they turned out.

It was just coincidence that the girls wore shirts that went well together. No clashing but plenty of color. Doesn't it seem like it could be Easter time?

I have lots of other photos from this trip and they'll be coming in future posts. I also have other stuff to tell you when I get some free time this week. Check back, yo.


  1. These are beautiful! I haven't seen L's hair in braids in like forever. I love the mix of bubbles in any pictures. Mahvelous. Have a safe trip home when you go. -R

  2. Your nieces are lovely, and so are these pictures!

  3. Thanks, Ladies!

    R - yeah, I like Loryn's hair like that. Oh but D was kind of disappointed in N's and K's hair in these photos since it was kind of flyaway, but mom and I assured her that it looks natural and kiddish. We all know she's meticulous about their hair, so she has no reason to feel embarrassed, if she does.

  4. Oh, how lovely!! Such sweet girls :) Little N is full of energy, I'm sure! I like how colorful and crisp the photos are and yes, it does look like Spring down there!



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