Tuesday, August 2, 2011

July books, links, etc.

It's a little late, but happy August!

In July, I listened to these two audiobooks:

Don't Judge a Girl By Her Cover - Ally Carter (6 disks)
Third book in the Gallagher Girls series, a YA story about teens going to spy school. The audio of these books has its annoyances, and they really shined in this book (sorry, author!). Dania and I listened to it when we went to Seattle and we often made fun of the silliness. The main character is such a drama queen about some things, or maybe it's just the reader. I don't know, but I was tired of it by the end. The story idea is cute, though, and eventually I'll read the fourth book.

Juliet - Anne Fortier (16 disks)
Julie's aunt (who raised her) dies, and leaves her a key to her late mother's safe deposit box in Sienna, Italy. Julie goes to Italy to embark on a sort of treasure hunt combined with discovering the history behind the story of Romeo and Juliet. This book was pretty long, and there were moments when I was slightly bored or annoyed (the main character is a little annoying). But overall it's very good and interesting.

Books for 2011: 18

I also finished a puzzle!

But it was used, so it was missing one piece. :/

I tried two different photo management programs and ended up preferring Picasa. It's better with the face recognition.

And I found some links that might be of interest:

Cutest Foods - I came across this through Pinterest (see below). They post a cute/clever food picture each day. Check it out, it's pretty fun!

Brown Eyed Baker - A cooking blog that has some yummy recipes without overloading me with pictures of EVERY step.

Princess Hairstyles - A blog with lots of unique and (some crazy) hairstyles meant for young girls. If any of you moms have extra time on your hands ;) you might want to check it out. No, seriously, some of them aren't too complicated.

Also, I joined Pinterest. I haven't used it all that much, mostly because I can tell it's addictive and I haven't wanted to let myself get too involved.

It's a free service that's basically like a virtual bulletin board for ideas and inspiration. You can "pin" anything you find online onto your various "boards" and it'll link back to the site so you know where to go later. The funnest part is just going through friends' and strangers' boards to see what they have pinned, and then you can repin anything to your board or comment on them.

People have found some really awesome, clever and funny things online. Like this hedgehog! People pin everything from yummy recipes, to beautiful photos and locations around the world, to ideas for kids crafts or home decor. I have some invites left, so if you want to try it, let me know and I'll send you one.

Have a great August!


  1. Nice work on the puzzle robots!

  2. A book K suggested is "The Help". I know it's coming out as a movie, but I don't see many movies and it's probably a "woman's flim", as your dad would say; so I should read it! Good for you on the puzzle! I want to start a new puzzle, too. Usually a winter thing, but I got a new one for my birthday from R. Thanks, Mom

  3. Thanks, Dan!

    Mom, I've heard a lot of great stuff about that book and movie. Definitely read it--I'm sure you'll like it. I probably would as well, but I have so many things I want to read that it's not currently on my list. :) And I wish I could help you with your puzzle! I was telling Dan how we had that old screen that we'd slide under the couch. :)



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