Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Brenda posts links to different articles/etc. that she has recently enjoyed, so why can't I? (I'm such a biter.) I'm just going to scroll through my starred items in Google Reader and see what I should share.

How They Built a Glass House for The Lake House
I recently added the Hooked on Houses blog to my reader, and this post was interesting. The Lake House is actually a pretty bad movie (sorry! love you, Sandra!) that I strangely watched twice, therefore I'm double-sure it's bad. I won't go on and on about that (although I could, believe me), because the point is that the house is pretty cool (even if impractical), and I found this entry fascinating.

G'day mates!
This wedding photography couple made a funny spoofy video about themselves as photographers. I don't remember a ton about it except that I found it cleverly amusing. And dorky.

Jess: Abbotsford Grad Photography
I think this old post was what made me start following this photographer's blog, and for some reason it was reposted. I love the dress. Beautiful! That's my whole point in linking you, and I'm not even a fashiony person.

Explore your doubts, but do so in peace
For whatever reason, this post spoke to me, and then a few days later I heard a talk about almost the same topic. It bothers me how sharing doubts can freak other Christians out and so we tend to just hide our true feelings. It's better to acknowledge our struggles and tackle them, knowing most people have times when they feel far from God and question things like his promises and the Bible's validity.

And to end on a lighter note...

Herb Scissors
I want some of these. It's not that I'm all about the herbs (I don't even know how to pronounce some of them), but I have dreamed of this sort of multi-blade slicer before. Only, in my head it was like a pizza cutter, not scissors.


  1. Only, in my head it was like a pizza cutter, not scissors.

    That line struck me as funny : )

    Ideal For:

    * Arugula

    Now we know your real objective : (

  2. :D Well it was.. every time I'm trying to chop something finely, I think about how nice it would be to have a rolling multi-blade device to just run over the item a few times. You know, like with chopping onions, or other veggies. Maybe they make something like it.

    Well... that is definitely a benefit of the scissors. Now, why don't you send Arugula on a little vacation to Oregon?

  3. I also loved that Conversion Diary post. I'm basically in awe of everything she writes. And those herb scissors would be soo useful for me during gardening season!

  4. Being into herbs; I'd love a pair of those herb scissors!

    I love the "G'day mates" site!! Cute and funny and dorky. What's not to love!

  5. I don't think Arugula needs a vacation right now, thank you very much!

  6. I love that wedding photo post. OMG!! That was hilare. Thanks for the good time.

  7. R - OMG and hilare? :P Where's my sister?



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