Friday, February 4, 2011

Food Friday?

I totally forgot about posting my Food Friday stuff this morning! But it's kind of okay since I didn't make a very good effort this week, and don't really have many food photos to show you. I did manage to photograph a food each day, but most of the photos were not very thoughtful or well done. So I present you with just a few food photos and some spring (almost!) progress photos to compensate. :)

This wasn't a 365 photo, just some sugar cookies I made for friends. I took the picture thinking I might post the recipe, but I don't think I liked these enough to pass it along.

01/28 - Leftovers! Rice pilaf.

01/29 - Free sandwich from Safeway. :) It looks like tuna in this photo, but it's not. It's turkey with a little mayo and mustard, plus lettuce and provolone.

Annnnnnd that's all the food photos I'm showing you. Flower time!

Please excuse all the crocus photos--there are a bunch (flowers, not photos) on a hillside by my office, and I can't help but take pictures of them as more and more are blooming. I always get excited about the first blossoms and like to record new growth and compare it with previous years.

Don't get mad if you think these look like spiders and are now creeped out. They're just these fuzzy seed things on a tree at work. I think they're kind of pretty.

A little weed, but it's a flower, so it's good enough for me to photograph.

I can't guarantee you won't see more crocuses on this blog. They get extra attention since there's not much flower competition right now.

Have a great weekend! Oh and thanks to those of you who watched my portfolio video. I was surprised at how many were willing to use almost 8 minutes of their life on that, so thank you very much. :) The nice comments are very encouraging.


  1. That rice pilaf looks nice! And I like the fuzzy spidery-looking things from work : )


  2. Hey - that's not a weed. That's a violet, isn't it? I love violets!

  3. These are awesome! How about a gallery show in March?

  4. I LOVE the crocus! and the little seed things are totally awesome. So beautiful even if they aren't flowers... They look like something I'd like to paint on china someday.
    Can I put them on my desktop? (the photo of the seed things?)

  5. Melanie - I'm not sure. They are tiny little flowers along the ground in the rocks.

    Steve - Thank you. I don't think people want to see me again. :)

    Samantha - Thanks! Sure--if you want a specific one, I can give you a larger size.

  6. I love the spidery things. Those are awesome! I want some to grow in my yard, too. Feel free to mail me a seed ... you think it would grow in the desert?

  7. R - I don't know.. I don't know what they are, but I can try to get some seeds for you. :)

  8. Loving the crocuses! And I don't think those look like spiders. :)



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