Sunday, October 17, 2010

Oregon Garden 2

Welcome to part two of my Oregon Garden photos. Make yourself at home.

More K!

And more, though she's sliding out of the photo. The lighting was bad but I wanted to try something with those weedy things in the background. I didn't really succeed, but it kind of goes with the other one so I'm posting it anyway.

I think these are called "hardy" oranges.

They had a ton of these peppers.

And check out these purple ones!

I'm not very talkative about today's set of photos. I just got back from the pumpkin farm, so I'm tired.

Hi, K!

Okay, this last one is a guessing game. Do you know this fruit? I had never heard of it before. The person to correctly guess the fruit name wins a free shout out in my next blog post (if I remember)!


  1. Can I guess the fruit? Can I, Can I? Ok, I suppose I won't. :-) Super fun trip with you though. Thanks!

  2. Ha - oh yeah, I forgot to say K is not allowed to participate. :)

    Uh.. I'm all "K" and your name is right there. :P I'm sly.

  3. Very nice pictures of K! We still need to do that portrait thing sometime. I like the peppers...not sure if I have ever seen those before. Is the last fruit a quince?

  4. Jennifer Bittel! How do you know that's quince? Nice work, you win. :)

    And thanks -- yes, I definitely still want to do a portrait shoot with you! I felt like I was bugging you about it, so I quit. :P

  5. Yahoo!! My parents have a quince tree on their property. However, by the time I see the fruit, I'm usually picking up the rotten remains mid-winter as I'm helping to clean up the ground. :)

    Nope! You weren't bugging me at all! All I ask is for good weather so I have a remote chance at a good hair day. :D

  6. Oh so you've had some! I have never heard of them and have no idea how they taste. The sign said they are used in pies and preserves.

    Okay, well let me know when you're free because we're having some nice weather and my fingers are crossed that the fall colors will be especially awesome this year. :) So we should do it soon!

  7. Those peppers are pretty and look delicious!

  8. Oh, I'm too late. I knew that was a quince! Anyway, I love these very texture-rich photos. Beautiful!! -R

  9. Love the second picture of the peppers and the peek-a-boo of K!



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