Thursday, July 8, 2010

Tahoe Trip - pictures that contain people

I am back for my second and final installment of Tahoe Trip photos. How excited are you?! If you haven't seen the first set, please go to that post first, since it might make a bit more sense that way.

First, I have to say that one of the many awesome things in life is being able to eat exactly what you crave. Tonight it was chicken salad, and it was soooooo satisfying, especially on a hot day like today.

Okay, here are pictures that have my family members in them. The only people missing are my parents!

As I mentioned, our first full day was spent at the beach. This is my youngest niece who played happily on the shore most of the time. She was in such an excellent mood this day (and most of the trip, really) and could've stayed there a few more hours if we had let her. She is SO CUTE, by the way. Just thinking about her and all the adorable things she said makes me want to hang out with her right this instant!

On the train in Virginia City they did a little skit and handed out a few bullets to the kids. Here's one of my nephews modeling his, and then playing outside the cabin later that day. The kids loved playing outside and built an elaborate "clubhouse" with scraps of wood and bark laying around.

In Virginia City there are lots of little stores and my sister bought these earrings at one of them. I was just taking a quick snapshot of her modeling them, but I really loved how it turned out. Lucky shot! Then the one on the right is from a little photo shoot we did later.

Another niece working on the clubhouse. One sister and I are especially into photography and so the nieces and nephews are used to us constantly taking photos, and they're pretty cooperative, considering.

Another nephew and my "buddy" in Virginia City (which means I walked with him and kept an eye on's easier to pair up adults with some of the kids). He kept referring to me as Buddy for the rest of the trip and that makes an aunt happy! He's kind of hard to photograph because you know how young boys rarely sit still, and then getting them to smile naturally when they do is another challenge.

I took some family portraits on the 4th. The littlest just had her hair fixed (which is a very upsetting ordeal for her each day) so she was refusing to smile. This was probably the best of the bunch--at least she's looking up!

My other sister's family was actually a bit easier, despite more kids being involved. The older they get, the easier it is! It used to be impossible to have them all smiling at once.

One of my nieces helped me do a few practice shots before the family photos. This one is particularly natural in front of the camera (though I'd say her sisters are also much more natural than I ever was!).

I tried to do some individual portraits with the kids, but didn't get as many as I had hoped. This nephew is particularly difficult to photograph because he is constantly moving and will often look away the instant you click the shutter.

Exploring after picture time. These two cousins spent a lot of time together.

I got a lot of smiling photos of her, but most of them are blurry because she was moving. So you get a non-smily one.

Another sister portrait that we both agree came out well. And girls, if you're wondering (a friend of mine was, so I took note), she uses Curly Sexy Curl Cream on her thick, naturally curly hair. :) It smells SO GOOD.

Thanks for looking, and thanks to those of you who commented on the previous entry! I really, really appreciate it. :)


  1. Ah, honorable mention for the sister who also likes taking pictures (though not nearly as well as you). :) And the other sister who is most photogenic, so it works out really well. :))) All these are terrific. I can't wait to see the rest of the collection. Thanks for documenting the trip. -R

  2. Not an honorable mention--it's first prize!!

    It does kind of work out that the most photogenic of us is the one who patiently lets us take her photo instead of wanting to take them herself!

    Thank you! I'm anxious to see yours, too, though I hope I don't see myself in them!! You have been warned.

  3. This is SO great!! Oh man, kids are adorable!!

  4. Hello, world, I'm that friend! :) I may just check that stuff out...even with the cost. What did you think of it? So many cute pictures!! I especially love the little guy showing his muscles. :)

  5. Thanks, Fayelle!

    Yes, Jennifer, you're so famous now! My experiment with it was a bit flawed since I ended up putting my hair in a ponytail before we could really see the results. But before that, my sister said it looked good, and it definitely doesn't leave your hair all crunchy or greasy, which is nice. I think I want to get some for myself too!

    My sister also said that some of her friends have tried it but they combined it with diffusing their hair and doing all these other things and didn't like it. She says she doesn't do anything special--just puts it in and lets her hair air dry.

  6. LOVE THESE! And thanks for the curly hair product rec. :)



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