Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Hello! I know it's been about three years since I've done a thankfulness post. It's not that I haven't had good things happen, I've just been busy and distracted and posting pictures of my nephieces. You know--you were there! Anyway, here are some goods:

1. My runaway niece is home. Thanks for your prayers!

2. Jury duty was short and sweet! Today was the first time I've ever had to go to the courthouse for jury duty (I've never made it past the evening phone call before), and I was dreading it. I know some of you are interested in being on a jury, but I am not. Anyway, I was settled in for hours of waiting around, but was excused before 10am! It was a very happy moment. :)

3. My Kindle. I was so glad to have it with me at the courthouse, and I just like having it around in general. I've been reading a lot more since I got it, and it makes any waiting situation seem more desirable. Also, I just downloaded Scrabble for it!

(You know you wanted to see my Kindle's new outfit! It's not an orange cover, as it seemed online, but I still like the brown.)

4. Cool nights. We're in a bit of a heat wave (90s--for us that's hot, especially in September), but it's been cool enough at night that I haven't really suffered much in my non-air-conditioned home. It's so different from a couple of years ago when I felt like life had to be put on hold until it cooled down.

5. Things to look forward to. I have a couple of fun events coming up (a weekend excursion this month, and then my parents are visiting me next month), plus I always love October. Yay fall!

6. My place. I know I've said this before, but I LOVE where I live and am so fortunate to have found this place, with an awesome view, in my price range. We're coming up on a really pretty time of year (not that summer isn't pretty!) with incredible sunrises that I can enjoy from my back deck.

7. Getting better at shooting into the sun. I practiced a little more. I'm having a little more success, though I need lots more practice.

What's the happiest thing that happened to you today? Or this week, if today wasn't great.


  1. I love your Kindle's cute new clothes! I'm in the process of shopping for some for my own. :) There's probably a lot more to say about your post ... but I'm hurried today to get to lesson planning and stuff ... :)

  2. I'm happy for you and how the jury duty went too : )

    That Kindle is looking good! Love the cover.

    The bets thig that happened to me this week was finding out about something that's happening later this month...

  3. Happiness today... I tested something clever for a mailing list I have to use, and it WORKED! I told my boss I was so happy he could punch me in the arm!

  4. R - That's okay. I got my Kindle stuff in a package that was more reasonably priced than some of the Kindle accessories. This pack came with a screen protector, a skin and a case! There are lots of designs.

    Thanks, Dan! :)

    Tina, does your boss often punch you when you succeed?

  5. Sorry it took me awhile to check-out "Thankful Thursday." I've been babysitting (even on Saturday) for my great-nephieces(ha ha). I visited Grandma on Thursday. So glad you enjoy the Kindle. (cute!) Beautiful "sun shot"! I'm thankful, today, because I had a day off! (I do enjoy the niblings, but we all need a break.) Love, Mom

  6. So it's not dangerous to shoot into the sun? I remember a few years ago, a former photographer friend gave me a really hard time for doing that. She said it would ruin the camera. But I definitely trust your opinion over hers. :)

  7. Oh Mom, that's okay! So you know that word "niblings"? Dania told it to me and I didn't realize it was in use!

    Brenda, not that I know of. I think it's probably more potentially damaging to the photographer's eyes! But I suppose prolonged exposure could possibly damage the sensor, though I've never heard of it. Lots of photographers shoot into the sun, so I imagine it's relatively safe for the camera.



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