Thursday, September 1, 2011

Quick info

>> I finally got fairly caught up on comments here. I basically went back and checked all of my August posts and left responses on most of them. I'm sure there are many posts in the past where I didn't respond to your nice comments (or even questions!) and I'm sorry about that. Anyway, if you subscribe to the comments, you'll see them in your inbox. Otherwise, you may want to check back if you were wondering if I'd respond.

>> I was asked about making my blog more mobile-friendly for those of you using smartphones and iPads. Well, I think there are more complicated things I can do for better results, but for now I added a link at the top of my blog that takes you to a small list-version of my blog entries that is apparently easier to manage on a mobile device. I don't have a smartphone or iPad, so I wouldn't know if it's very helpful. :) It doesn't seem to help with commenting at all, so probably not.

>> Thanks so much for reading and commenting! I really appreciate it.

>> Tonight I saw three baby beavers swimming by! But they were too fast for me to photograph.

>> Happy September! September begins Birthday Season, since I have soooo many friends and relatives with birthdays in the next couple of months. I once read October 5th is the most common birthdate in the US, so I guess it's no surprise that this time of year is popular. (Fun fact: I don't know anyone born on October 5th.)

>> Is birthdate one word or two?

>> Here's a photo to liven up this post. Kind of.


  1. I don't know anyone with a September birthdate...

    I'll buy you an iPad and a smartphone! Which one do you want?

  2. I think you actually might know at least one person.

    Thanks!! Well, just make sure they have plenty of memory...otherwise, I'm fine with whatever. Newest models, I guess. :D

  3. Absolutely! It's on the way, just look for it in your personal mail receptacle.

  4. I'll have to check out your new mobile link on my iPod Touch. Cool. I like the pretty picture - bright and cheery. :) Yay on the beaver-babies! I know you'll get pictures soon. Probably.

  5. Your "due date" was October 5th!
    Love, Mom

  6. Dan, I will definitely seek out the parcel!

    R, oh yeah, I forgot you use a mobile device too. Yeah let me know if it's helpful at all.

    Mom, I'm sure you've told me that but I didn't remember!



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