Saturday, May 5, 2012

Project 52 (42)

The beavers and geese don't seem to mind each other.

Still no decent beaver photos where they're out of the water. That's my summer goal, and I think I just need to be patient. It's still getting dark a little too early to get crisp photos, and they so rarely get out of the water where I can see them.

The rental camera and lens are pretty heavy compared to my usual camera, and my right hand and arm is starting to feel the strain. But today is the event that the camera was rented for, so I need to suck it up and get some good photos. I'm actually kind of dreading it, as event photography isn't my thing. I'm just glad to have a camera that can handle the poor lighting situation fairly well.

Have a great Saturday! It's supposed to be pretty nice all weekend here. I wouldn't mind if the clouds stuck around this afternoon, though, for the outdoor photography I need to do.

Do you have any fun plans this weekend? Maybe you're busy doing them and not reading this post, which is fine. :D


  1. Cute photos. Amazing you got two animals of different types in one shot! I actually think I have more patience for event photos than I do for portraits or nature. But not events with specific poses that have to be gotten (weddings sound hard). I enjoy taking pictures at my kids' games and on our outings and stuff -- live action, candid pictures. I think that's my fave.

  2. R - That's interesting. I was just talking about how my coworker loves event photography and though I can't comprehend that, I'm so glad because it takes the pressure off me. Even though I have to go do this thing today, knowing he will be taking pictures too makes a huge difference. I'm not nervous, more just ready for it to be over because it's kind of chore-ish. I guess I don't like the stress of events because you only get one chance at certain shots.

  3. Well, that's how I often feel about taking pictures. It's kind of a chore. I have been blessed with a husband and daughters who take pictures. Now, I do take a few more shots with my cell phone :)

  4. The Beaver and the Goose, wasn't that a 70's sitcom?

  5. Mom, I can understand that! If I weren't interested in trying new things, improving, and posting photos for my friends, I would find photography to be a chore too!

    Dan - of course! I watched it religiously.



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