Monday, May 14, 2012

Portraits: Hollie (part 2)

More Hollie! I wasn't happy with many of the purple flower* shots from the first shoot, due to the lighting. When I was expressing this to Hollie, she happily volunteered to put her dress back on and let me try again! I was more successful this time, I think.

Of course I tried a couple more in other locations, before it got too dark.

Have a great week!

*Bluebells, I think, but we have been referring to them as "the purple flowers." They grow outside our office every year.


  1. Wow, LOVE that sunset photo, even if Hollie's natural beauty and photogenic nature doesn't show as much. I also like the last one with the brick building in the background!

  2. Hollie is very nice to pose a 2nd time. You do such a beautiful job.
    Love, Mom

  3. Oh Dan, I saw these earlier and was so going to compliment the sunset one but I was in the middle of other things. So now here I am saying something and looking like the copycat. I thought it first!!

    So there.

    But all are beautiful and Mom's right, too, Hollie is a good person to get right back into the modeling game for your camera.

  4. Thanks, everyone! I tossed that sunset one in as kind of an afterthought to mix it up--glad you like it.

    R - You're such a copier!!

  5. She is such a good friend to do this! And an excellent subject!



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