Sunday, May 20, 2012


Well, it was cloudy today, so I couldn't really see the eclipse. This was the best I could do. (It wasn't actually that dark, I just had to turn down the exposure to get more definition in the sun's shape.)

This is the most eclipsed I've seen the sun. I've only seen little bites out of it a couple of times over the years. But in 2017 there will be a total eclipse right over Salem! Hopefully I'll get a good view, and it'll be non-cloudy (it's in August, so chances are good).

Did any of you see it?

ETA: My sister posted some photos from her vantage point down in Albuquerque, and they're really cool!


  1. I really like this shot. Very spooky! :) Nice work.

    I posted pictures of our view on my blog, too.

  2. It's amusing to me that you're making plans for 2017 : ) But they're good plans!

  3. Your photo is way better than ours.
    It's really cool that it was cloudy.



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