Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Favorite portraits

Hi there! I'm home and feeling that new year inspiration that I get each December after Christmas (if only it would last!). As we finish up 2011, I want to post a few entries that sum up my year. I hope they are entertaining to you, but they mostly benefit me, as they remind me of my progress and experiences.

For starters, I think I'll post some of my favorite portrait photos from 2011. I'm so thankful for the portrait photography opportunities I've had, even when some experiences resulted in me feeling bad about myself. I learn from them all, right? I think I've learned a LOT this year (I've certainly made a lot of mistakes). Enjoy!

Thanks for looking! If you'd like to view more portraits, I have them all tagged in the portraits category along the right side of my blog. Or you can just click here.


  1. That's like a fun trip down memory lane, for sure. I loved them all the first time and I love them again now. You are an awesome photographer. Thanks for sharing your art with the world.

    The only inspiring thing I'm doing now that Christmas is over is downloading lots of coupons and cleaning out our pantry. :-P

  2. Yay! Thanks for letting me be one of your subjects. :D

  3. I agree with R: great photos and a fun trip down memory lane. Good stuff!

  4. Awesome photos; you really are a great portrait photographer! and I'm not just saying that... I really mean it!

  5. Gosh, these are all so great!! Good work!

  6. I think you are the Eye Queen. All of these portraits have great eyes... Maybe instead of "I Shoot Love" for your future slogan, you should use "I Shoot Retinas" :)

  7. Thank you, everyone! R - I need to deep clean my kitchen (pantry included), but I really want to just hire someone to do it. :P

  8. And thank you, Samantha, that's really nice. :)



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