Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Two minutes of poses

This is just for fun--the subject is cute enough that it doesn't need to be great photography. :) The other night at my parents' house, I was sitting across the table from my niece E and taking a couple of pictures. Then her sisters egged her on to "Pose! Pose! Pose!" and she struck several poses as I clicked away. I know that I'm biased, and it's different when you're actually there, but she's so adorable and entertaining. I miss her! You should really meet her.


  1. She came up with an impressive number of poses!

  2. She is SUCH a doll baby! Seriously, just the cutest thing ever. :D

  3. Oh!!! So many cute poses. She is adorable. (I am not biased ;) I really love the photo with her elbows up and hand behind her head. (Who am I kidding? I love all of them.)

    Thank you, love, Mom

    1. Haha.. that one in particular was a bit more coached than the others. :) But she took direction very well!




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