Tuesday, July 8, 2014


There's nothing earth-shattering to tell you, but I had a few photos I thought I'd upload while I felt like it.

This past weekend I had four glorious days off (yes, my work gives us two days off for Independence Day)! I spent them hanging out with friends, playing lots of games, watching Parks & Recreation, staying up late, sleeping in, going to two arcades (??), eating strawberry shortcake, going to the coast, and even seeing a movie, which I so rarely do. (That's three theater movies this year--probably a new record since my early 20s.)

We're having a bit of a heatwave here in the PNW, so since my place has no air conditioning, it's good to get out during the hottest hours. My friend Dan and I headed to Lincoln City where the weather was perfect. There was a bit of fog coming in, which created a nice effect in my photos.

Oh yeah, and I took a couple of photos of this flower the other day. Might as well throw them in this post.

The only issues with our Lincoln City trip were slow service at a restaurant (and we were pretty dang hungry by that point) and lots of traffic on both drives. The way home took us quite awhile, probably because it was Sunday after a holiday weekend. I hadn't thought of that--I've never had traffic problems between Salem and Lincoln City (probably because I don't go enough).

The movie we saw was the latest X-Men movie, which is totally not the type of movie I would choose to see, but it was alright! It had a couple of special effects. One or two action/fight scenes. The story was fairly easy to follow, though I had a bunch of questions afterwards, like why must superheroes always wear capes? It seems a little impractical.

Dan sweetly brought me some roses, so I took a few photos tonight before they wilt too much. Not sure if I mentioned that it's hot here lately. :]

Going back to work today was pretty difficult, and I felt really overwhelmed at first. But I powered through with some whining and caffeine. And now we only have three more days to go!

Other favorite parts of my weekend:

  • Playing Catchphrase with Dan, Jon and Mariel. So fun and funny!
  • Sleeping in. That deserves another mention, since it's one of my favorite things.
  • Seeing beavers swimming around.
  • And a deer!
  • And herons flying around.
  • Iced tea!
  • Sunshine.
  • My new glasses arriving in the mail.
  • The dishes being done.



  1. The second and fourth ocean ones are my favorites, I don't know why..I just really like them. (Fingers crossed that my comment will post)

    1. Thank you! Those are probably my favs of the ocean ones too.

  2. Sounds like you got to have a good, fun, relaxing weekend. Sorry about work being tapped onto the end.

    In answer to your question (because I felt like you were asking ME directly): why must superheroes always wear capes? Well, I'm going to guess that it's because they're usually out at night time and when the sun sets, it's a little cooler ... especially when wearing tights. No room for layering up under those costumes ... so capes are that extra outer layer that keeps them snug. After all, no one needs a superhero to take time jogging in place to warm up his/her muscles from the cold night before they can fight off the bad guys. Anyway, that's my answer and I'm sticking to it.

    I know I might sound like a broken record, but I always love your photography. I love the randomness of this post, too! Going from beach scene to flowers to beach scene and back to flowers. It kept me guessing what was coming next in your story. Very suspenseful. These were great pictures and good tales. Thanks!

  3. Me too! Loved your beach and your flower photos and your tale of your 4-day weekend. I, also enjoyed R's answer to why superheroes wear capes. Too bad I can't @ her from here.

    Thanks, love, Mom



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