Tuesday, April 17, 2012

More Deepwood

Yes, I still have more photos to show you. Sometimes I feel I lack blog material, and other times I have way more ideas than energy or interest in posting them.

Not a fantastic photo, but I love when I can catch the shiny coloring of the male hummingbirds. They have to turn their heads just right.

Mom, these are especially for you. These are the same birds that were eating from your hummingbird feeders, and now I know why! They also eat from the same flowers as the hummingbirds.

Oh hey, Robin. I only took a photo of him because it was so easy. Robins are kind of like Mallards--I feel bad about finding them mundane, and I end up taking pictures because they're so willing to pose.

Okay get ready for several of these. I kept this one because it's kind of funny.

I didn't want them to go to waste. :)

Bees like these flowers too.

Here's a closeup of the last photo. Hi, little girl!

Ookay, I have one more installment that'll go up later this week. If you're sick of hummingbirds, the good news is that it'll just be flowers (as far as I can remember). :)


  1. I'm still amazed that you can catch all these little critters in your pics...I don't quite know how you do it! : )

    As always, I love the path photo; something about paths, especially running down the middle of the shot like that, draws me in.

  2. I'm definitely not sick of the hummingbirds! Or the flowers. So it's all good.

  3. Your nature photos are always astounding. If you force me to pick a favorite though, I'll say: DSC_8787JMt. Love the delicate little wings. Nice work! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Thank you, Jessica! I still have some of those finches here, but they are not devouring the nectar as quickly. Still enjoy watching all the birds.
    Love, Mom

  5. I absolutely love these... The colors. Wow. And that path is something out of a dream!

  6. Dan - I'm glad you like path photos since I do them so often! Thanks!

    Thanks, everyone. :D You're too nice. I should probably shut off comments on these because while I love them, I hate thinking people feel obligated to say the same old things to me every time I show them a picture. :)



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