Friday, November 12, 2010

Frog Furniture

Some coworkers let me know that there were various mushrooms growing at work, and I finally remembered to hunt them down for photos today when I had my own camera (which works better than my work camera for something like this). It was cold, but sunny, and perfect timing for a little detour on the way back to my office (from another photo shoot). Sometimes when I take pictures, I just feel okay about it. Other times I am fulfilled, excited and appreciative of God's many creations, and this was one of those times.

That one is more like a toad papasan chair.

But the one next to it was very flat, so it could be either a stool or a nice table.

This is my favorite photo of this post, I think.

I was surprised to see so many different kinds of mushrooms!

I call this one a vanilla mushroom. Taste it--you'll see!

Of course I didn't stop with the mushrooms. There were some other cool things--I thought this looked very Japanese gardenish.


What? More ferns, you say?

The leaves are exiting the trees pretty quickly. It's a little sad to see that the peak of color has passed already.

The colors in this make me think of plaid PJ pants or Christmas wrap for guys. I like them. I mean, I like all of them--the colors, PJ pants, Christmas wrap and guys. ;)

I couldn't decide which of these rock puddle photos to choose, so I posted both.


Hey, so I am creating a mailing list to email whenever I update my blog. Let me know if you'd like to be on it and I'll add you. Just give me your email if I don't already have it. Thanks!

Have a great weekend!


  1. Wow, GREAT pictures! I mean really, truly outstanding. My favorite is #11 (I think I counted right, the one right above the Japanese gardenish one), but there are a lot of really good ones there. Gorgeous!

  2. Thanks!! That's very nice of you! :)

    Yeah, that one could probably be black and white, even. I'll have to try it.

  3. I LOVE THESE. I don't know if I can pick a favorite! Mushrooms are so cute sometimes. So varied, too. Of course, I love any autumn pictures, so you had me at Fallllllicious. Well, truth be told, you actually had me at toad papasan chair; falllllllicious was just a get-me bonus. :) -R

  4. Thanks, R! Yes, you are alls abouts the falls.

  5. Wow...what a neat collection of pictures from the day! You took some really, really great ones!! Perfect colors and everything!

  6. I really like that there's such a variety of mushrooms! Very nice photos!! Makes me want to go on a nature hike in the woods.

  7. The mushrooms are SO COOL! And yes, this is like a Pottery Barn catalog for frogs and toads.

  8. Brenda: Thanks! And yes, I am thinking of opening a furniture business for wild animals. :D

  9. I've never appreciated mushrooms so much more than seeing these mushroom pictures today. WOW.

    and that rock puddle?? gorgeous! well, ALL of them are gorgeous, but still.



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