Saturday, October 4, 2014

Porcelain berries

If you follow me on Instagram (Greengatephoto!), you've already seen the berries--sorry! :D But I went to Deepwood tonight and saw these awesomely-colored berries and took a bunch of pictures. I'll probably post more later. I looked them up and learned they are called porcelain berries, and also that the leaves turn yellow. So I'm excited to go back later in the fall and get more pictures! On the down side, apparently they are really invasive and take over other plants if you have them, so I guess people hate them. So sad.

Have you seen these before? Turquoise berries!! How have I missed them?

And here are a couple more from tonight. More to come someday!


  1. Love Deepwood Estates. I need to find more places like that here.

  2. Never heard of or seen those before, really cool! But personally I like more natural colors like stark white ; )

    1. Ha! Yes, true--the only really natural color is white.

  3. So, I forget, do you have to pay to go to Deepwood Estates or is it considered a state park that's free? It is definitely beautiful and constantly changes as certain plants come into their prime. Beautiful photos, again.

    Love, Mom



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