Thursday, November 14, 2013

Portraits from my CA trip (Part 1)

Last weekend I got back from a quick trip down to northern California where my sister and her daughters were visiting my parents. It was convenient and cheaper for me to get in some visiting time while they were (relatively) close by, and I'm sooooo so glad I did it. The weather was awesome (70s, sunny), I got some quality time with everyone, and it wasn't as overwhelming as when I'm around all of my nephieces at once (not that I don't like seeing all of them!). When it was time to go back to dreary Oregon, I really didn't want to go.

(How good looking are my parents?! I love this picture!)

My favorite day was Friday. My parents had planned a gathering for some friends and relatives to come visit, and so the girls all dressed up and I took lots of pictures. It was really fun and I hope they had a good time, too. Here are a bunch of my favorites. I'm going to divide these into two posts.

This is 6-year-old N.

She loves posing and is very good at it.

She wanted to make sure I got a photo of the back of her dress.

Her poses are adorable, but I like the in-between moments when she's just being herself, a beautiful little girl.

There she is with my mom's dog Sheridan.

Then it was E's turn. She's 2, so it's trickier to get decent photos, but she did very well. I never use this word, but she looks so precious in that left photo. Her innocent little face. I love her!

I cheated a little--some of these photos were not totally in focus, but hopefully at this smaller size they aren't too bad.

This spot in my parents' back yard was ideal for pictures. The light was so nice.

The girls love that big fish. They like to sit on it.

Goodness, it's hard to look at these because I miss them so much!

Coming next: some of the older two girls!


  1. So cute! And I love the pic of your parents. I wish you could come here and take fam pictures for us.

    1. Thank you! :D I wish I could travel around and take pictures of my friends and their kids, too!

  2. I love all the photos of N and E. You have such an eye for photography! You made the pond behind N look surreal. And, Yes that is even a good photo of Dad and I! Thank you!

    PS It's a great photo of D and girls!!

    1. Thanks, Mom! Yeah, I was glad the pond water showed up in that one because sometimes it's hiding or blurry in the background. That's a different angle I don't use a lot.

  3. Okay, obviously, these pictures are amazing because they are all of people I love. However, even if they were complete strangers, I believe I'd love them anyway. I love your Tia eye. You have a way to capture your nephieces that is always unique to your perspective and yet, so completely revealing of their personalities as I know them.

    As much as I adore the pictures of N and E and the group shot with our sister and all her girls, my favorite one is actually that shot of Mom and Dad! Mom, you guys are seriously like the cutest couple. I'm so glad you are our parents. That picture is great and Jessica, if it's not too much trouble, I'd love a copy of that one for our house (you can just email it and I can get it printed) if you will share.

    Thank you. :-)

    1. Thanks for the nice comment, R! You must be feeling better, and I'm glad.

      I was hoping to get the one of Mom and Dad printed, so just hold on and maybe you'll have one in your stocking. ;)

    2. Ok, I'll be patient. :)

      I am feeling a bit better. Still moving slow today, but better, thank you.

  4. P.S. I like your new theme, too. Very classy.

  5. Awesome shots! E is adorable and N is pretty darn cute. I love her little poses.
    I need to keep up with your blog more!



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