Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Portraits: Mariel

Mariel is a friend I met at church a few years ago. She and her husband are a fun couple to hang out with and I've enjoyed getting to know them. Mariel is graduating with her master's degree (in education) and asked me to take her portraits. We did this session at the lovely Deepwood Estate and it was really fun!

Read between the photos for more about Mariel (and Jon).

What was the best and worst part of graduate school? BEST: Learning new things, especially with peers. I also liked the short time I was applying what I've learned in a real high school classroom. WORST: I didn't have much time to do other things besides work! I had to give up choir and miss outings with friends.
[Mariel cleverly brought the stack of all the pages she had to read in school as a prop!]

Where would you like to go on vacation? I've always wanted to see the Chihuly Glass Museum in Seattle. I would also like to stay at Mount Angel Abbey for a day or two, just to get away from everything. And pretty much any place in Oregon that showcases the stars at night. (Me too! Star trails photos!)

Check it out--it's a green gate!

Jon (after helpfully holding the reflector for me!) joined Mariel for a few photos. Jon and Mariel are big on games, which is great for me because I love games and they have all sorts of fun ones I've never heard of.

What are a few of your favorite games? Jon and I both like MarioKart Wii and Boggle. I also like word games and group games, while Jon likes strategy games.


Mariel, will it embarrass you if I mention your perfect skin in my blog? (Too late!)

If you could learn to do anything, what would it be? Speak multiple languages, including Spanish, Japanese, Russian, and Mandarin; and hone my Tagalog (Filipino) speaking.

Congratulations, Mariel! Having a graduate degree is a big deal (much more than I could handle). And thank you for letting me do your portraits--I enjoyed it. :)


  1. Oooh, am I really the first commenter? Sweet! So I liked this alllll very much... but oddly the thing I admired the most is her eyebrows. Almost every picture they jumped out yelling, "We're lovely, we're lovely!"

    I'm feeling weird about this. But they are lovely!

  2. Very nice! I especially like the photo at the green gate and the one just before that, at the red fence. Oh, and the last one. :)


  3. She is precious! I love these. Congratulations for the graduate degree.

    Jessica, my favorites are the first and last ones, but I adore the use of the stack of papers as a prop. What a great idea!

  4. Congrats to Mariel on completing her degree! It's a long hard struggle but worth it in the end.

    I had never even heard of Chihuly Garden and Glass! You learn something every day.



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