Friday, September 16, 2011

Journaling and blogging

For over ten years, I've been journaling elsewhere on the web, in a more secure environment. It's more comfortable to write there, knowing only certain people can read my posts. My many, many, MANY posts. I'm quite the Chatty Cathy there.

I wish posting here were as easy. I tend to get a little paralyzed by the fact that anyone can read this blog. Not because I want to share my darkest secrets, but I just feel more vulnerable to criticism. I feel like I need to check my facts and grammar much more closely here, for instance. I'm not sure what I'm afraid of--some stranger commenting about my poor sentence structure?

Also, I feel I have to think about future photography clients (if they exist), and be choosy about which photos I post and how I conduct myself. It's difficult to find the balance between professionalism and personalization. Add that to the fact that I feel pressure to keep my focus on photography. I guess I don't feel the freedom to just talk about life unless I'm incorporating decent photos.

But I'm probably being silly and making unreasonable rules for myself. As a result, I'm afraid I may err on the impersonal side, which often translates into blandness.

So. What's the point of this? It's just me being me, and you being okay with that. ;) I am hoping to give myself a little more freedom here, which might mean more text and fewer pictures. It might mean topics that aren't photography-related. It might mean I post more than you want me to.

Or I might chicken out and leave everything the same.


  1. Compared with my blog, yours is still way more glamorous ... so no worries, whatever you decide. :) I'll still visit.

  2. Well, thanks! I've had a lot of practice. And thanks for still visiting even if I write more. :P

  3. I can relate to this!
    You do a great job though. :)

  4. Thanks, HCH! I enjoy your blog a lot, too.. I love it when you post, even though I'm not great at commenting.

  5. Well we're happy to read anything you want to write, so post away! : )



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