Monday, August 22, 2011

Portraits - my niece, S

Okay, so while I was visiting family, I took each of my nieces and nephews aside for a mini portrait session. Some yielded more photos than others. I'm going to share some of my favorites of each nephiece, from oldest to youngest.

We'll start with S, who is 16. She has the burden of being the oldest child, which I know (not from experience, just observation) is a difficult role. But she loves her younger siblings and has helped out with them a lot.

I've done a couple of other portrait shoots with S in the past. You can see one here. She's always patient and cooperative with me, so it's extra fun to take her picture. I hope that maybe I can take her senior pictures in a couple of years, though her mom (mi hermana) also enjoys photography and has done a great job documenting her kids' lives.

Check between the rest of the photos for a little more about S!

(That's just a temp tattoo/sticker on her wrist, in case you wondered. :))

What plays the most on your iPod? "Tight" by Stacie Orrico

What's your favorite flavor of ice cream? Mint chocolate chip.

(Ha! I can't read that flavor without thinking of Michael Scott saying it.)

What's your favorite thing about your little sister? Her creativity.

Thanks, S! Love the dress!


  1. Nice pics! I think the first one is my favorite.

    (Ha! I can't read that flavor without thinking of Michael Scott saying it.)

    Haha, me either! That flavor has been branded for life in my little brain.

  2. I guess I don't know the MWS reference ... but those pics came out great. I'll probably bug you for big copies of them later when I need some. :) Just be forewarned.

  3. Beautiful pictures of a beautiful young lady! Love, Mom

  4. I love that dress! It's a great color on her.

  5. I don't know why I read that as Michael W. Smith!! Michael Scott, I meant. Ha! Totally different guy.

  6. She's a pretty girl, and these are pretty pics!

  7. Her beautiful personality shines through! :) I like the dress too. She's a cute girl and I like her hair.

  8. Thanks, everyone!

    R - Of course! I took them with the idea that you and D could have copies if you'd like them.

    Haha.. I was thinking maybe Michael Scott's middle name was something with a W. :P

  9. There's so much sweetness in her face. Those black and white photos are REALLY beautiful!



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