Sunday, March 31, 2013

40DOT: Days 35-40

[My sisters and me at Eastertimes of the past.]

Happy Easter! Looking at those photos had me thinking about how we celebrated Easter day growing up. Despite celebrating in various locations over the years(home, grandparents' homes, camping...), we did have some morning traditions that we mostly kept no matter where we were. One tradition was that my parents (or the Easter Bunny, more accurately!) would hide our Easter baskets. I always thought this was the usual thing, but I guess many parents just present the baskets to their kids like stockings from Santa. I don't know if it was a tradition for my mom's family or my dad's, but they adopted it into ours and I always enjoyed looking for my baskets (usually three). We always got one of those hollow chocolate bunnies, and there was something really special about that particular candy staring at me through the plastic window. But now I don't even think I like that type of chocolate (What is that brand? I can't remember.), but kids aren't very picky. Each bunny had a different name and had some different feature: a bow, a little sunshine, etc.

It was my paternal grandma and grandpa who would hide plastic eggs with money (coins) outside in the backyard. So that wasn't an every-year sort of thing, but definitely a good tradition that my sister does with her kids, now. When we were home, we'd dress up in special Easter clothes for church. Pastels! And as a teen, I used to help with a pancake breakfast, forcing me to get up at around 4:30am so we could have pancakes ready for the people coming down the hill from sunrise service.

Easter is definitely one of those holidays that has me missing the good times with my family, because it's so rare for me to spend it with them anymore. And some years it's been particularly hard when the weather here in Oregon has been super dreary. But this year (and last year) it is cloudless and sunny, like it should be. It definitely makes the day more joyful.

This afternoon I actually have a college graduation portrait shoot! I'm glad to have a fun outdoor activity that will keep me from wondering why I still live here. :) I'm looking forward to showing you some of the photos, if she gives me permission. Wish me luck with that, as I have many ideas that I hope to pull off well.

What were some of your Easter traditions growing up?

And now that I've written a book about Easter, let me finish up my 40 Days of Thankfulness.

Day 35 (March 25): Wow...this wasn't my favorite day. It was hard for me to find good things to mention, but I was glad to still have a clean apartment after my party the weekend before. I left my decorations up and things were cheery around my place.

Day 36 (March 26): Continuing on with dreary days, this was another. I was just feeling very irritated, frustrated and distracted these two days. But! I got an Easter card from Mom, who is so good at sending me cards for the holidays. And it's nice that I have a laid-back coworker/officemate who puts up with me on my grouchier days. Oh and Dania got me started on this phone game Mini Golf Match Up, which has brought me much entertainment this past week. This day was the first day when I played a lot of it and was completely hooked.

Day 37 (March 27): I felt a lot better this day--more like myself. I was more productive, too! When I got home, I saw that I had received a fun package from Dania! I also got a nice note from Pami. I love fun mail! On my way home from work there was a very vibrant rainbow. A double-rainbow, actually, but of course the second one was faint. I didn't take any pictures, though.

Day 38 (March 28): I failed to write anything down on this day. I know it was fine, because I usually like Thursdays. I did laugh at a funny typo, so that was a cheerful part of my morning. :)

Day 39 (March 29): This day was another of my unfavorites, but I did make some really delicious chili that I've been enjoying this weekend. And there were some other positive things that I don't feel like telling the world. Oh, but I did redesign my blog a little, although I'm not sure how long I'll be keeping it. It's just an idea, but I need to add some more info so people better know what this blog is about.

Day 40 (March 30): Yay for being the last day of 40 days! Not that I haven't enjoyed this, but I've had a hard time posting anything else, and there's lots to say! This day was SO sunny. I even had my sliding glass door open part of the time. I went to the good Target and lined up a portrait session. I began to get excited and inspired about it! In general, I was feeling good and healthy. And I made the above pork stir fry.

Have a great Easter!


  1. Those pictures of you 3 girls bring back so many memories. Do you remember the two places where we were living?

    I know we hunted for baskets when I was a kid. I think we only got one per sibling, but I think we searched for some eggs separately.

    I'm sure the tradition at Dad's house was to hunt for baskets, too. Grandma M. saved strawberry baskets (as I did, later) so the boys could have some smaller baskets, besides 1 large one for each.

    On a side note: when I was young there used to be an Easter Egg Hunt held at the elementary school I later attended (a public school, mind you) on the Saturday before Easter. When I was 4 I found the "special" egg that earned me a silver dollar. I wish I'd saved that dollar. I probably bought more candy with it.

  2. I like this new header!!

    You guys were so cute!

  3. I love the new heading, too!

  4. Well aren't you just the cutest little thing! Very cute pic : )

    Our tradition was to go over to Grandma and Pa's and they would always hide eggs around the backyard. There was this little drainpipe thing that they would always put one in so we always knew to start looking there! We'd have dinner and I think breakfast too, it was probably an all-day thing.

  5. My brother is right - we had very special egg-hunting spots at Grandma & Pa's. Regardless of the weather, we always hunted for eggs with our cousins and it was always something to look forward to.

    Jessica, your photography is outstanding! I really enjoy looking at your pictures! Diane

  6. Mom - I remember having the Strawberry Shortcake picture taken, but I almost thought we were not at home. Guess we were! I'll guess Oroville. I remember Dad coming back from somewhere with the dresses for us, and I know it was close to Easter, though not the actual day. I'm going to guess the other one is Reno, or possibly Sparks.

    Oh yes, I remember the strawberry baskets now--I forgot!

    I won that Jesus picture since I found the golden egg at a church egg hunt. :D We're both winners!

  7. Brenda and Mom - Thanks!

    Dan - Haha--thanks! Back in the innocent days. That's funny about the drainpipe. I'm pretty sure we've done the same!

    Diane - Thank you for coming to my blog and commenting! :) That was a fun surprise. Thanks so much for your nice words.

  8. The Straberry Shortcake pic was in Reno. The 2nd pic was on Swezy St. in Marysville. (Just a little trivia.) :)

  9. Mom - Wow, really? That's what I looked like at the Swezy house? I look young there, but in my memories I was older. I know we lived there several years, but I mean the earlier times.

  10. The comment conversations are fun! I loved the post and I've read it twice now and am finally having a moment to comment on the GIANT in PINK FEETIE PAJAMAS. Oh, my word. Also, these were the best hair days for me of all the old pictures we have. Ha!

    So in relation to the comment convo, we've done egg hunts in our backyard a few times now and since it's not really spacious back there and the hiding spots are few, my kids always know some specific spots to check: the little candle lanterns hanging from the posts, under the cover that closes over the indented outlet on the porch, under the spa stairs and in the crevices in the big rock in the bird garden -- to name a few. We can't fool them!!

  11. R - Yeah I noticed your PJs. I totally don't remember you wearing those at that point, but I'm sure we all did! Of course they always felt too hot to me, and I'm still like that--a hot sleeper.



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