Saturday, July 24, 2010


No news on the butterflies. The chrysalises look the same as they did last time I posted about them! I am actually a tiny bit worried that they are just dead now, but I tend to translate no change to mean bad, when often everything is fine. There's no reason they should be unhealthy--I have left them alone and the temps have been fine.

So that isn't why I'm posting. I'm really just here to say that I finally put my photo portfolio up. The web design is nothing to be proud of, but I don't have the right software to do everything I'd like (and I'm definitely not the world's best at html, etc.). I used Simple Viewer, and got some help from a computery friend to customize it a bit. Mostly, I just wanted to get something up there to point people to if they are interested in having some portraits done. That came up last week, which is what prompted me to just get it done today (that and the fact that it's all hot outside). So there you go, peruse if you wish.

I'm still deciding on a new name, and once I do (when I'm old and gray) I'll switch out of the Hello Butterfly theme. It's too easy to find reasons to put things off, so I decided not to let the old name get in the way.

Aren't you glad to know all of that info?

I wanted to post a photo, since entries are funner with photos (don't you think?), but I haven't taken any lately, besides a couple for work. So then I thought I'd find a photo from one year ago today, and the funny thing is that I took pictures on July 23 and July 25, but not the 24th! So...nevermind. I'm going shopping.


  1. oh my gosh your portfolio is SO COOL. I am so impressed! I want to own all your nature shots! You're definitely on your way to something... I also really do like the name Hello Butterfly.

  2. Thanks! That's very nice of you.

    I don't mind the name Hello Butterfly (and it has a story behind it), but there are good reasons I don't want to continue with it.

  3. Checked out your portfolio. That's really neat. I like the layout and functionality. Very cool. -R

  4. Thank you, Sister R. That makes you sound like a nun. :)

  5. Love it! And I recognize a lot of those pics : ) I don't remember the one with the two rings in the red flower, when was that taken?

  6. :) Thanks! That one is from my cousin's wedding, back in March of 2007.

  7. Wow, those are truly fantastic photos in your portfolio! I am really impressed. =)



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