Sunday, July 11, 2010

New dishes

Yesterday I went to the happy place: Target. I had to get a baby shower gift and birthday gift, but I decided to get a Jessica gift, too. I saw these cute hummingbird dishes and obviously couldn't resist. I was on the lookout for cute salad bowls, anyway, so it was a very wise and practical purchase.

The bowl has another side to it:

I'm not really sure why it strays from the hummingbird theme, but I'm all about accurate dish representations, so I wanted to show you.

Other important aspects of my weekend:

  • I'm pretty sure I refrained from texting while driving.
  • I did poorly at both games at the baby shower I attended.
  • I skim-watched the series finale of Who's the Boss? on YouTube, because I couldn't remember how it ended.
  • I reached for what I thought was some candy in a dish (had to balance the salad somehow, right?), but instead reached into my cup of ice water.
  • I laughed when my pastor accidentally said "choising" instead of "choice" or "choosing" during his sermon.
  • I finished Wii Mario Bros! Or.. actually, Luigi finished it, but I did watch it attentively! And I completed at least 10% of the levels without Luigi's help, thank you. The victory is mine, when you think about it.

Currently I can hear what sounds like kids using a pogo stick outside. The end.


  1. Cute dishes! How many sets did you get? I'm pretty sure I refrained from texting while driving this weekend as well! I don't think I did any better at those games, if that makes you feel better. I enjoyed it, though...and thought it was pretty painless!

  2. Hey you have cute salad bowls too! I like them : )

    Nice job Luigi, er Jessica!

  3. I think those dishes are adorabs! I also enjoyed reading the funny little things that happened with you over the weekend. Ha. -R

  4. Jennifer: Just two sets. I don't really have cupboard space for more, and didn't want to spend too much. Yeah, I thought the baby shower was fine!

    Joe: Yeah, now I don't have to be the pathetic person without cute salad bowls! But I bet you still like your palm tree ones better.

    R: Thanks! Not that I designed them, but I'll still take credit.

  5. but I decided to get a Jessica gift, too.

    Do you think she'll be surprised? :-) j/k.


  6. those dishes are wonderful!!!

  7. Very cute! Love the purple! :-)

  8. Katrina - yeah I thought of you!

  9. So here's what's funny. A late birthday present last night included that cup, bowl, and plate!!! Now I have more purpleness to enjoy at my house! :-)

  10. That's funny! I actually considered getting some for you but couldn't remember if you thought much of hummingbirds. Since I'm always talking about them it seemed too much like I was getting you something *I* liked, instead of what you could use. :)

  11. (Test comment)

    I still say my salad bowls are cuter : ) But yours are nice too.



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