Monday, July 5, 2010

Now it's summer.

[One of my awesome nieces.]

Belated happy Independence Day! I met up with my family, in South Lake Tahoe, CA*, and spent time away from my computer. I have several photos to show you once I have time to get them all sorted out.

I don't know how to sum up my vacation here, and I think the photos will do a better job, so for now I'm just going to say that even though I had a good time, coming home is awesome. I love my place, and I love having time to unwind and quietly peruse my photos after so much family interaction. Plus I'm so looking forward to sleeping in my own bed tonight! (My bed is a wonder.)

UPCOMING EVENTS: Now that the weather has warmed up and I'm home for awhile, I have put in my order for caterpillars that I will babysit until they transform into butterflies. This is all thanks to a live butterfly garden kit I received for my birthday back in October. They should be coming in the next week and then I will track the progress for all of you. You're excited, admit it.

How was your fourth?

*My aunt and uncle have a house there that we've been enjoying for as long as I can remember. Since I am not a snow skier, I prefer Tahoe in the summer and was glad to get back after too long--last time I visited was over three years ago.


  1. Tahoe is in California? I didn't even know that :p Makes sense though.

    My fourth was quiet...err, you know what I mean. Just stayed home and read!

    Nice pic of K!

  2. Yeah, it's on the border, so some is in NV and some in CA, but the house/cabin is in CA. It's a few miles from the border where all the casinos start.

    Thanks for the comments. :)



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