Thursday, April 18, 2013

Small things

Time for some more macro photos! (I explain a bit about this lens rental in this post.) In this post I'll show you the rest of my choices taken in Oregon (so far) and then I'll move on to the ones I took in California in future posts. The following were taken at work, Bush Park and Deepwood Estate.

WARNING: there are some bug pictures below!

Some sort of tree blossoms, like cherry or whatever.

I don't know what these are, but they're tiny.

This lens gives the photos some really nice color. A little overly saturated sometimes, but it's cleaner and more vibrant than some of my other lenses.

Sorry--he's kind of ugly, but I have some friends who seem to like the bug photos most. :) This one's dedicated to the bug lovers!

Okay, some of these aren't exactly macro shots, but I did use the macro lens and thought it might be nice to show how it does with other sorts of photography. Plus, you know I can't resist the hummingbirds!

I'm not sure why I'm so fascinated with this plant, but it does have some nice color.

Same plant, not a worm. :)

Thanks for perusing!


  1. Oh I love the purple and yellow details on that first white flower!

    Even though that fly looks huge and creepy I really like how cool it looks!

  2. I think the photo of the white flowers right above the "ugly" bug is my favorite of the bunch

  3. These are awesome! Would you offer some of these as wallpapers? :)

  4. Makes you feel like you're seeing the world through Superman vision! It boggles my mind but humbles me with the detailed beauty. And you know I want a 12' by whatever print of that red tulip.

  5. These are really beautiful! The one of the dandelion thing - you know, where you can blow, and the fuzzy part goes flying? - that one is my favorite!

  6. Dania - Thank you! I like it when people point out their favorites (it's helpful to me). :)

    Thanks, Emily and Duchess!

    Brenda - Yes. Which did you have in mind? I might make them available unpublicly so I don't have to worry about watermarks and such.

    Tina - Thank you! Which--the portrait or landscape one? :)

    Melanie - Thanks! Yeah I like that one too. I never usually get to capture that detail, and I've always wanted to.

    Thanks, Jonathan! I haven't seen you around in awhile!

  7. Love all these macro shots! I'd tell you my favorites but there's so many it's hard to even relate which one I'm talking about : )

  8. Beautiful, beautiful photos. Dad loves them, too!



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