Friday, January 25, 2013

Frost (part 1)

Remember to enter the Valentine's Giveaway! I will draw/announce two names sometime in early February, so you have up until the end of the day on January 31st to enter to win what I think are some fun Valentine goods.

(By the way, I've been really enjoying the comments on that post! I need to respond to them soon.)

Now for pictures. Recently we had several days of dense fog and below freezing temperatures that created a layer of frost on everything. I was a little slow to get out there with my camera, but I ended up with LOTS of pictures right before everything melted. I narrowed them down, but they'll still be in two posts.

Some of these were taken at home, some at work.

Sorry I don't have a lot of captions. There's not much to say yet.

These are some of my favs. I always like photographing delicate smatterings of leaves or flowers. They look like jewelry for trees.

One frustration I was having with these photos was with the difficulty in capturing what I saw. There were so many pretty scenes, but these photos don't really depict them all that well.

I'll post part 2 some other day. Have a great Friday night!


  1. Jewelry for trees. I love that description!

  2. I think these are gorgeous! I'll never look at sparsely leafed trees the same way again. Beautiful description.

  3. No need for captions, you know, "A picture speaks a thousand words." (sorry if that is not the exact quote) You find beauty in everything.

    Thank you, love, Mom

  4. Lots of good pics there! My favorite is the one where you're looking almost straight up at the trees. It's an angle people don't use a lot but I think it's really cool.



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