Saturday, September 7, 2013

Fair pictures (Part 2)

Okay, I'm back with more photos. There are fewer animals in these ones, in case you hate living beings. Enjoy!

Fair food time! Yeah, deep fried Koolaid--what the heck? I've not actually seen it, but it's apparently Koolaid-flavored dough, so the end result is sort of a doughnut hole. Have you ever had it? I assume the soda ones are the same situation. Not sure why they spelled it Crispy Creme--maybe legal reasons.

[NOTE: I need to remember to take more photos like this, because I find it really interesting to look back on pricing and variety of particular time periods. I'm really glad I talk about gas prices a lot in my secure journal, because now I can laugh at myself when I whined about gas being "almost two dollars! :(" Oh me!]

"I mostly come for the food." --Pami. She had a special list of fair foods that she wanted to make sure and enjoy that day. This was an elephant ear.

The horse show. This was the draft horse competition.

The Clydesdales won. Nice work, guys!

I was ready to check out some other exhibits while Pami and Nancy stayed at the horse show. Here was some kind of flower competition.

I really liked all these dahlias (right?). They smelled good, and many of them are so perfect in their roundness.

I also looked at the photography competition (that I refuse to enter now :P), but they don't allow photos of the photos. I was curious about the winners and, as usual, I don't really understand the judges' decisions. There were lots of really great photos that I think were better than a few of the winners.

The girls met up with me again and we looked at the cakes. There were lots of nice ones, but here are just a couple of pictures. I loved this one.

Another adorable bird one.

And that's all.


  1. Well of course the Clydesdales won! Go guys!

    Man, that chocolate kabob sounds pretty good! And it sounds weird to say this, but $5 doesn't sound completely unreasonable...

  2. Those elephant ears are good, I agree Pami.

    I think the Clydesdales should always win when it comes to the draft contest. They look so cool.

    The flower arrangements are beautiful. I don't know what those little puffy-round flowers are. Cute! And I have never seen such unusual decorated cakes. Beautiful!


  3. Deep fried Kool-Aid? That's outlandish! I wonder how it tastes though.

    I've been telling David for years that we should start two businesses - a Christmas tree farm in the winter, and a fair food trailer that we take to different fairs during the summer. All we'd have to do is find something to deep fry. My brilliant idea is chocolate chip cookies! I've never tried it, but I bet they'd be delicious and we'd make a fortune.

  4. I've been instagramming so much, I was looking for the LIKE button under each individual picture. Oh yeah... blog means comment, not like. Durr.

    Pami is so cute. I adore pictures of her. Especially when she's holding really yummy looking food! But seriously, another great set of pictures all round.

  5. So is that elephants's ear made of just dough?

    Your fair looks so cool... so much better than ours. I love all the competitions! And those flowerd are so fun.

    I wanna try all the deep fried stuff. ALL OF IT.

  6. Thanks for the comments, all!

    Dan - Yeah, some of the prices were surprising for a fair. I guess that's Salem. :D

    Mom - I love Clydesdales, but I was surprised at how much I liked the Belgians! They were bigger-seeming! I thought all the flowers were dahlias, but maybe not.

    Laura - Yeah, it's probably fine but it doesn't sound all that tempting to me. I think the Christmas tree farm sounds funner, because I always feel bad for those people deep frying stuff on a hot day!

    R - Yes, you have been instagramming a lot. :P I am surprised they don't put "like" on everyone on the internet by default, though. It's a Facebook thing. Pami will be happy to hear it! She's always a willing photo subject, so I exploit that.

    Fayelle - Yes, it's like a big doughnut with cinnamon sugar all over it. It's a decent fair. I appreciate that it feels a little more mellow than some, and the horse stuff is cool. :D

    Thanks again, everyone!



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